Eating vegetables prevent kidney stones

>> Friday, October 1, 2010

Combining a healthy diet in the daily diet was not only lose weight alone. But it also can lower the blood pressure and prevent kidney stone disease. What type of foods should be consumed? Check out info here!

Diet is now not only for those who want to lower the weight only. But it is also run by those who want to live healthier. Avoiding heart disease, lower blood glucose, blood pressure, to prevent kidney stone disease.

Researchers in the United States examine the impact of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. This diet recommends eating only foods such as fruit-growth, vegetables, beans, all dairy products, red meat, and less sweet foods.

The researchers analyzed urine samples for 24 hours to 3426 kidneys of people with good health records. Although the intake of fluid intake has the same amount, but those who follow the DASH diet produced more urine than those who do not. Urine produced more because intake of these foods contain high water content.

The study states, if urine is produced in this DASH diet with high levels of citrate. That is, calcium is important that inhibit terjadinay kidney stones. In addition, the two main food types DASH diet low-fat milk and vegetables, can prevent the precipitation of kidney stones. The results of this study appeared in the journal Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

Well, so do not do not get kidney stones you can start consuming foods that contain high water content and of course regular exercise


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