Chronic kidney disease - a complication of diabetes

>> Friday, October 1, 2010

Diabetes mellitus (DM) or more commonly known to the general public as diabetes is a serious health problem. Growing number of victims, among others, the data recorded by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), there are approximately 177 million people with diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2. In Asia alone, patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus continues to increase every year, so did the number of people in Indonesia who in 2005 was recorded by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a sufferer of the world's fourth largest.

Speed the development of type 2 diabetes is caused by increasing elderly population, obesity problem, and lifestyle changes.

In diabetes an interruption in blood glucose processing by the body, which over time can cause damage to the kidneys and ultimately can become chronic kidney disease (CKD). High glucose levels in the blood, if not controlled can damage the kidneys over the years thereby reducing the ability of the kidneys to filter blood and remove waste products in urine.

Abnormalities of diabetes that often cause CKD was diabetic nephropathy. It is estimated that approximately 40% of patients with CKD due to diabetic nephropathy is. Early symptoms of diabetic nephropathy is characterized by 'proteinuria', ie a state finding of protein in urine through a laboratory. The process of starting detection of proteinuria until the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy can last from months to years
Symptoms found
Classic symptoms that often occur in diabetics, in addition to much to drink, lots of urine, hunger can be accompanied by rapid weight loss. Other symptoms that can appear in the form of peripheral nerve disorders such as tingling at night, blurred vision, itching in the pubic area, sores or heal old wounds, erectile disorders in men and vaginal discharge in women. If the disorder is not treated immediately it can cause various complications in blood vessels of the brain (stroke), blood vessels of the eye (vision problems), cardiovascular (coronary heart disease), renal vein (renal failure), blood vessel foot (injury are difficult to recover).

As for new symptoms of diabetic nephropathy alone would feel if kidney damage has been severe as the swelling in the feet and face, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, headaches, itching, frequent hiccups, lost weight.
Prevention and treatment of diabetes
1. Symptoms found
Precautions are needed so that patients do not go in the direction of further damage. Action needs to be done on them to lose weight for the obese to achieve ideal weight, exercise or regular physical exercise such as walking, setting up a good diet, avoid stress and control blood sugar levels closely. Other laboratory examinations that need to be done is to check blood sugar levels of fasting and 2 hours after meals, as well as levels of sugar in the urine, protein in urine, and blood HbA1c levels.

2. treatment measures
Since the beginning of undiagnosed diabetes, patients must take drugs given by doctors on a regular basis and high discipline. Besides that diabetics should conduct regular checks of blood sugar.


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