10 bad habits that lead to back pain

>> Friday, October 1, 2010

1. Too long sitting

The sitting position provides 40 percent greater pressure on the spine compared to standing position. Someone usually retain his seat if it is busy at work so can not rest or stretch. But spend time off can cause more back pain. The longer the back muscles will weaken if not used, the joints become inactive and lose lubrication.

2. Driving in a long journey

Just as sitting, driving for too long can put pressure on the muscles of the chest and shoulders. Because of that back pain can be a major complaint from someone who often travel long. To that note the correct posture while driving.

3. Not doing yoga

By increasing circulation and reducing stress, it can help restore pain including back pain. In addition to yoga can help you breathe more length and relaxation, as well as stretching and strength. With so can help prevent back pain triggered by emotional and structural.

4. Not eating healthy food

Research shows that healthy eating habits can also provide protection against back. People who back pain tend to have clogged arteries to the bone behind it, because if healthy circulation brings nutrients to the spine properly. But if this does not happen can cause inflammation and inflammatory chemicals will trigger the nerves to transmit pain signals to the brain.

5. Often carry a heavy bag

When a person carrying a heavy bag, the shoulder will become unbalanced and makes the spine is irregular. Doing this every day will cause muscle pain.

6. Never replace a used mattress

Bedbugs are a kind of small bug which normally cohabited within or around the mattress. Generally nyari hell they eat at night, even though their daytime eating nyari sometimes jg jg. Because of small size which, bedbugs can hide in mattresses, in sela2 mattress, under the pillow, in lobang2 screws, carpet, wall retakan2, principally in kamar2 dirty and unkempt ga
. A mattress only works well for 9-10 years old, so if the mattress was never replaced will make a person wake up with pain in his back.

7. Using high-heeled shoes for a long time

Shoes with high heels force someone to arch her back and make the muscles work harder spine. Also do not distribute weight evenly as well as pain.

8. Often harbored feelings of anger

Researchers from Duke University Medical Center observed that people who experience chronic back pain more often harbored anger, resentment and depression. Researcher James W. Carson, PhD, tells of the emotions, muscle tension and the mind can be directly related and affect the signal of pain.

9. Too long to watch television

In a study by Norwegian researchers found people sitting in front teelvisi or computer for 15 hours or more a week, has probably 3 times more likely to have a bad back and waist. This is due to the person sitting with bent position for long hours.

10. Often bend backbone

If someone feels stiff, often sounding or mengkerutak back. It can not be stabilizing muscles, but rather contribute to pain and also the imbalance center or central axis. In addition, excessive pressure can cause the spine-shaped curve similar to the front of the letter C.


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